Lego Bionicle 8979 - Malum

Neu Lego Bionicle 8979 - Malum - Erhalten mehr Info ber Lego Bionicle 8979 - Malum. unten


LEGO® 8979 Malum


Enthält verschluckbare Kleinteile.
Für Kinder unter 3 Jahren nicht geeignet!

Best-Nr.: le-8979 / EAN: 5702014533929

In der gewohnten TOP-Qualität von LEGO®!


  • --Verkaufsrang: #261897 in Spielzeug
  • Marke: Lego
  • Modell: 8979
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 2009-02-20
  • Abmessungen: 2.91" h x 9.06" b x 5.51" l,


  • Geschlecht: Jungen
8979-1: Malum | Brickset: LEGO set guide and databaseLEGO set database: 8979-1: Malum ... Set number 8979-1 Name Malum Set type Normal Theme group Constraction Theme Bionicle .: LEGO Bionicle Malum (8979): Toys & GamesMy 7 year old Bionicle fan received Malum for his birthday, and thought he was really cool. What Bionicle isn't? Pretty standard Bionicle construction with mostly ... Lego Bionicle Glatorian 8979 Malum Review!!!This is our new video series we will be reviewing all the lego bionicle glatorian and glatorian legend sets each day for two weeks! Hope you enjoy these ... LEGO Malum Instructions 8979, BionicleInstructions For LEGO 8979 Malum. These are the instructions for building the LEGO Bionicle Malum that was released in 2009. .: Customer Reviews: LEGO Bionicle Malum (8979)Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for LEGO Bionicle Malum (8979) at .. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users./> LEGO 8979 Malum Set Parts Inventory and Instructions ...Find plete inventory of pieces and free instruction manual scans for LEGO Malum 8979 at the ToysPeriod online toy guide Malum - The Bionicle Wiki - The Wikia wiki about Bionicle ...Malum, set number 8979, ... including a rotating "life counter" piece on his back which is meant to indicate Malum's health in the BIONICLE ... Malum's My Lego ... Malum #8979 - BIONICLE - Bionicle LEGO.LEGO BIONICLE (2015) is an epic legend set on the mystical island of Okoto where elemental heroes fight for masks of power against a rising evil. LEGO BIONICLE - Glatorian Malum & Strakk - Review - Sets: 8979 & 8982My website: :// This is my LEGO BIONICLE - Glatorian Malum & Strakk - Review - Sets: 8979 & 8982 made 01/05/10. Informations: Name ... 8979 Malum - Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki - Wikia8979 Malum is a 59 piece BIONICLE set released in January 2009. ... LEGO. Description . This is a quote taken from LEGO.. Do not modify it.

Posted By | Label : Bionicle, LEGO, Malum
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