Top LEGO Star Wars 7869 Battle for Geonosis - Erhalten mehr Info ber LEGO Star Wars 7869 Battle for Geonosis. unten
Der Kampf um Geonosis geht weiter! Mit dem Raketenwerfer, einstellbarem Geschützturm und verstellbaren Beinen führt die zerstörerische Protonenkanone der Separatisten die Droid-Armee in den größten Kampf der Klon-Kriege. Die Separatisten können scheinbar nicht aufgehalten werden, bis Captain Rex und Jedi-Generalin Luminara Unduli auf dem BARC Speeder ankommen und sich das Blatt wendet. Mit 2 Kampf-Droiden, einem Super-Kampfdroid, Captain Rex und einer exklusiven Klonkrieger-Edition von Luminara Unduli als Minifiguren.
LEGO Star Wars 7869 Battle for Geonosis besteht aus:
- Exklusive Klonkrieger-Edition von Luminara Unduli, Captain Rex, 2 Kampf-Droiden, 1 Super-Kampfdroid
- Die Protonenkanone der Separatisten verfügt über verstellbare Beine, einen einstellbaren Geschützturm und Raketenwerfer
- Inklusive BARC Speeder
Exklusive Klonkrieger-Edition von Luminara Unduli, Captain Rex, 2 Kampf-Droiden, 1 Super-Kampfdroid
Gewicht: 0,63 kg
Größe: 38 x 26 x 6 cm

- --Verkaufsrang: #156671 in Spielzeug
- Marke: Star Wars
- Modell: 7869
- Abmessungen: 2.10" h x 10.20" b x 15.00" l,
Battle for Geonosis™ | LEGO ShopBattle for Geonosis™ Item: 7869; Ages:8-14; ... The devastating Separatist proton cannon leads the droid army in the greatest battle of Star Wars: ... LEGO, the ... .: Lego Star Wars 7869: Battle for Geonosis: Toys ...The battle for Geonosis rages on! adjustable turret and poseable legs, the devastating Separatist proton cannon leads the droid army in the greatest battle of the ... 7869 Lego Star Wars Battle for Geonosis ReviewLego Buff Productions reviews the Lego Star Wars Battle for Geonosis! $39.99 331 Pieces Ages:8-14 7869 Lego Geonosis Reviews: s:// ... LEGO Star Wars 7869: Battle for Geonosis - .co.ukThe battle for Geonosis rages on! adjustable turret and poseable legs, the devastating Separatist proton cannon leads the droid army in the greatest battle of the ... LEGO Battle for Geonosis Instructions 7869, Star WarsInstructions For LEGO 7869 Battle for Geonosis. These are the instructions for building the LEGO Star Wars Battle for Geonosis that was released in 2011. 7869 Battle For Geonosis - Lego Star Wars Wiki - Lego ...7869 Battle For Geonosis is a set released in January 2011. It includes five Minifigures, a... 7869 Battle For Geonosis - Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki - Wikia7869 Battle For Geonosis is a Star Wars: The Clone Wars set released in January of 2011. It... LEGO Star Wars Battle for Geonosis 7869 ReviewThis feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Uploaded on Dec 24, 2010. Category . Film & Animation; License . Standard YouTube License .: LEGO Star Wars Special Edition Set #7869 ...LEGO Star Wars Special Edition Set #7869 Battle for Geonosis. by ... 7869-1: Battle for Geonosis | Brickset: LEGO set guide and ...... 7869-1: Battle for Geonosis. Brickset ... Star Wars Subtheme The ... 2011 Tags Battle Droid Captain Rex Luminara Unduli Super Battle Droid Geonosis Separatists ...
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