!! Tomy 85406 - Tomica - HCR Polizeistation mit Hubschrauber und Polizeiauto - Entdecken mehr Info ber Tomy 85406 - Tomica - HCR Polizeistation mit Hubschrauber und Polizeiauto. unten
Keep Tomica world in order with the Tomica HyperCity Rescue Police HQ an all action command centre complete with realistic sound effects flashing lights police car helicopter control room helipad Tomi Kid policeman and more Use the elevator car lift to transport the police car to the car launcher and watch as it shoots down the 3 different level ramps ready for action Tomica HCR Police HQ Calling control we have a situation on the corner of Tomica high street and station road All units to despatch Cue sirens blasting as the police car rushes to the scene Control we have a visual suspect is escaping down the highway Helicopter is cleared for take off and is taking pursuit

- --Verkaufsrang: #120894 in Spielzeug
- Marke: Tomy
- Modell: 85406
- Erscheinungsdatum: 2011-01-01
- Abmessungen: 114.17" h x 263.78" b x 110.24" l, 4.04 Pfund
- Geschlecht: Mädchen und Jungen, Jungen
- Zielgruppe: Kindergarten
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